Deciding to have a baby is one of the biggest life-changing decisions that you and your partner will make. Bringing up your bundle of joy can be fulfilling and fun, but you must also be prepared for financial challenges that comes along with it.


From pre-natal care to nursery, here’s a financial guide to get you ready for parenthood.

Review your insurance coverage

Waiting for your first child to arrive will be an exciting journey for sure. But before that, there will be periodic medical check-ups for both mother and baby (such as ultrasound and blood test).


So how do you budget for these? The cost for each check-up differs from clinic to clinic, but it can be up to USD20-USD50 or more than this per visit at a private clinic. For a cheaper option, you can look at public hospitals as well.

On the other hand, if you are workers in private sector and hold National Social Security Fund (NSSF) membership, you can access to pregnancy check-up with free service at any membership private and all public hospitals.


Before you know it, your baby is here! Some employers do provide maternity coverage but you may still have to budget for the cost of medical or delivery complications. As an estimate, a private hospital delivery package can cost for the average of USD500. So it’s important to review your insurance policies and check the delivery cost of your preferred hospital.


Fortunately, NSSF, public organization which provides the social security services, also includes baby delivery at only public hospitals with limited and reasonable package. More importantly, though getting a baby delivery service at either private clinics and public hospitals, NSSF provides you USD100 in cash, plus 70% contribution of your salary for three months.

Keeping up with baby supplies

Preparing for your first child can be overwhelming and you might be tempted to spend on all the latest contraptions. However, take some time to put together a practical checklist before spending – such as clothes, baby tub, bibs and feeding necessities.


The checklist can help to determine how much to set aside and what to buy each month. For example, you can buy a crib 3 months before arrival and purchase clothes a month before. This will also give you time to look for baby fair and sales events. 

Survey childcare options

Employees in both public and private sector will enjoy up to 90 days of maternity leave up on institutions’ policy and some companies do offer leave days and flexible work arrangement for new fathers. But once that is over, working parents need to think of alternative arrangement if staying at home isn’t an option.


It is more common that your parents help look after your baby in this day. Financial saving is the not the only reason. You will feel calmed and confident in mind, so you can concentrate more on work or business. Moreover, this also show your family love and happiness from your parents to your baby.

If you prefer childcare and daycare services to above options, you may spend more from USD250 to USD500 in urban areas. Try looking into workplace childcare or child benefits provided by your employer to save some cost.

Setting up your baby’s future

Having a baby will change the way you budget your finances. For one, their education will be the biggest expense you will have to pay. Remember that the sooner you start to save for it, the better. Junior Savers Account (JSA) for example is a unique plan that combines protection and education savings for your child.



This article is brought to you by CIMB Bank as part of our ongoing efforts to raise the level of financial literacy among Cambodians. Financial knowledge and understanding are key to making well-informed and meaningful financial decisions that will improve all our well-being. This, in turn, achieves CIMB Bank’s purpose of advancing customers and society.